Discovering opportunities, identifying UVPs, focusing business models…
Digitalisation, adapting technology to the business, ecommerce…
Brand positioning, enhanced customer-centric policies, revamping services…
Creating and implementing policies, documenting procedures, enhancing current ones…
For nearly three decades I have been mainly dedicated to THINKING and SOLVING CHALLENGES and PROBLEMS for companies and institutions of all sizes, both at home and abroad. My tools are reflection, research and experience that allow me to offer solutions tailored to the particular circumstance of the client. He presents me with a “situation” that he has in his company or institution, which can be a challenge or a problem, with a higher or lower degree of complexity, and which he needs to solve:
- I want to launch a new idea and I need a helping hand
- we have merged and we need to put our house in order
- something in the business is not going well and I can’t quite put the finger in it
- we are obsolete in our approach to technology
- we want to change the perception of our company in the market
- we need to rethink what we offer to our users, partners or members
- we have to grow
In a first meeting, we work together to identify and determine what the situation is so that we both are on the same page. After which I tell the client if I think I can help him or not. I am not afraid to put things very clearly from the beginning and I am aware that I can not always help: either it is not my expertise, or it’s out of my depth, or I think the client is not willing or able to commit the necessary resources to carry on successfully, maybe because we have different views on how to proceed or simply because I don’t “see it”. Transparency and frankness are key to having the trust of the customer, without it I can’t possibly do my job.
If we agree that I can help and once confirmed that we are “in sync”, I then prepare a roadmap, very rough and basic one, in which I collect information, study the data, research the competition, trends and best practices, and I prepare a list of things to do. And, of course, I propose the estimated cost, timing, terms and requirements for the project… and my fees too!. I always try to apply a criterion of rigour, seriousness and professionalism when I make a proposal. I do not haggle fees: all work has to have a price which must be fair and justified, without stridency or exaggeration. Is it expensive or inexpensive? this is a critical point in the relationship with the client and I need the value of my work to be perceived, that is why I try to clearly explain my view of the project, what needs to be done and what exactly can I do and how.
Also, it is often necessary to work with third parties: internal staff, collaborators or also external suppliers, either provided by the client or from my own network. Everyone needs to know what their role and responsibilities are to ensure that the project progresses without friction and is completed successfully. I often coordinate, or support the coordinator, all of these people and resources.
I have worked with long-established companies in various sectors, from banking to insurances, FMCG, tourism, NGOs, healthcare, technology and catering, among others, as well as with entrepreneurs and startups. My expertise is in the fields of BUSINESS STRATEGY, MARKETING, OPERATIONS and TECHNOLOGY. If your challenge or problem falls within these fields … let’s talk about it!
in different roles during my professional career as….
- an employee, or as
- an independent business consultant, or as
- an external project manager, or as
- an interim manager
These are some of the companies I have worked in/for.
Whether is a short-term or a longer-term project, whether you want someone at your company or working remotely, let’s talk and see how can I help you out.