A pan-European project with an international team
The European Marketing Confederation (EMC) is the umbrella organisation for marketing, sales and communication associations in Europe.

Operating since the 1960s, the Brussels headquarters was established in 1993 and it is one of Europe’s largest marketing membership organisations. EMC’s vision is based on the belief that high standards and professional integrity are key to the success of the marketing profession. Developing, setting and maintaining standards within the industry is a vital part of what they do.
As part of its vision, they bring together membership organisations with a specific focus on marketing to share knowledge, exchange information and expand professional networks. They also offer a unique European qualification and certification framework called EMCQ, which gives marketers access to accredited marketing, sales and communication qualifications recognised across Europe.
- Strategic pillar #1: Best Practices in Associations
An exchange of experience and knowledge on best practices in association management such as
membership recruitment and retention, organisation of events, communication policy, revenue
generating schemes or the effective use of the association’s website. - Strategic pillar #2: Best Practices in Marketing
An exchange of knowledge, experience or research among EMC members on marketing practices.
They can refer to a wide range of different industry sectors or to general marketing strategies. - Strategic pillar #3: EU Information
A database of information relating to European initiatives, legislation and funding opportunities that
have an impact on marketing. It contains a broad list of relevant topics such as: sales promotion,
packaging, safety of services and products, data protection, recognition of qualifications, etc. - Strategic pillar #4: EU Representation
EMC encourages and supports individuals from EMC member associations to represent the interest
of the marketing profession to the European Institutions focusing on activities that reinforce the visibility
of EMC and the role of marketing within EU policies, and on seeking EU-funding opportunities
to support developments in priority areas for EMC members. - Strategic pillar #5: Professional Accreditation
An accreditation framework that will allow recognition of the skills and competences of marketers in
Europe. This recognition, accepted within EMC members, will facilitate the move of professionals
wishing to work in another European country.
The following associations were members of the EMC during that period: Assoc. Portuguesa dos Profissionais de Marketing (APPM), Portugal • Stichting Marketing Foundation, Belgium • Finnish Marketing Association (MARK), Finland • Hellenic Institute of Marketing (HIM), Greece • Netherlands Institute of Marketing (NIMA), Netherlands • Swedish Marketing Federation, Sweden • The Marketing Institute (MII), Ireland • Dirigeants Commerciaux de France (DCF), France • The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), United Kingdom • Turkish Marketing Association (TMA), Turkey • Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA), South Africa • Club Marketing Barcelona (CMB), Catalonia/Spain • Danish Marketing Forum (DMF), Denmark • Deutscher Marketing-Verband (DMV), Germany • Czech Institute of Marketing (CIMA), Czech Republic • Russian Marketing Association (RAM), Russia • L’Association Nationale du Marketing (ADETEM), France • Icelandic Marketing Association (IMARK), Iceland • Ukrainian Marketing Association (UMA), Ukraine
My relationship with the EMC started in 2002 after I had joined the International Committee at Club Marketing Barcelona (CMB) in 2001. We applied for membership to the EMC and joined the confederation representing “Spain” albeit our actual scope was limited to Barcelona and Catalonia.
Within a year we became one of the most active organisations, despite being the smallest association of the group. So much so that the Presidency of the EMC invited CMB to be part of the Management Board as a full member. From the International Committee at the CMB in Barcelona, we proposed several initiatives to the EMC among which the creation of a social network for marketers in Europe. This project was labelled “Euromarketers”.
At the same time, the President of the CMB in Barcelona ceded me the chair representing the Club at the EMC Management Board. I served a term, until 2005 and then the EMC offered me the possibility to continue working with the Confederation as an independent consultant. I worked a further four years, until 2009, advising the Board and leading the projects of EMC as International Projects’ Manager.
During this time, we engaged in several major projects with other associations and with the European Commission (see below some examples).
Some works which I either have led or have participated in while at EMC…