Caixa Tarragona
Navigating solo, putting in practice my experiences and teachings learnt while working at multinationals
Designing an full IT system from scratch, with all the bells and whistles, for managing insurance selling in a medium-sized regional savings bank

Modernising ITC at an under-developed insurance business unit of a traditional savings bank
Back in 1996, I was hired as an ITC consultant by the Insurance Director of a medium-sized savings bank in Catalonia to assist in modernising the ITC of this area of the business. We both had previous experience in the insurance business having worked side-by-side in a major multinational in the industry, me at the ITC department, him as General Manager of that operation in Spain for over 20 years.
We envisioned a full ITC system that would allow the savings bank, with 280 branches and managing 13 billion euros (1998), to increase the share of the insurance revenue into the banks’ portfolio.
We were able to develop and implement only part of that project due to the fact the savings bank was later absorbed by a giant of the banking sector in Spain.
This project allowed me to mature my decision-making and responsibility-taking competences. Coming from a multinational world, it also made me realize and learn that in medium-sized companies ingenuity and out-of-the-box thinking are a must to compensate for their more limited resources.